a pen sitting on top of a piece of paper

Process Serving

Expert process serving with rush services, statewide, nationwide capability, and assistance with writs and levies.

General Information

All ASOSD, Inc. process servers are individually registered and bonded with the experience needed to complete your service of process in a professional manner. Routine services are attempted every two to three days until the documents are served, the date has run, or your office cancels the assignment. ASOSD, Inc. does not charge for repeated attempts at service. You pay the same amount for one attempt or multiple attempts! Our office has a number of ways that you can obtain a status on any of your service of process assignments. You can call, fax, email or submit your status request from our web site. Please have your assignment’s invoice number and the name/address of the party being served when you call.

Rush Services

Rush services are placed in the field for service the same day for all local areas and in any remote areas whenever faxing is an option. Your service will be attempted the same day and each day thereafter until the documents are served, the date has run, or your office cancels the assignment. Our office can provide you with daily updates on all rush assignments to keep you informed of the status of your job.

man in green jacket riding bicycle on road during daytime
man in green jacket riding bicycle on road during daytime

Statewide &
Nationwide Service

As a member of the California Association of Photocopiers & Process Servers and The National Association of Professional Process Servers ASOSD, Inc. has an extensive affiliate network covering all fifty states and most of Canada. Anywhere you need a paper served we can handle it through one of our agents or refer you to a local specialist who will diligently complete your assignment.

Writs, Levies, & Attachments

ASOSD, Inc. is able to provide service of Writs of Attachment and Writs of Execution under the Enforcement of Judgments Act of 1983. We serve both state and federal writs. Our service of process staff has many years of experience in effecting service of writs in coordination with county sheriffs and the federal marshals. If a method of levy or attachment exists, then we can assist you in perfecting service and making a timely return to the overseeing authority. We welcome the opportunity to help you in this area.

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blue and white striped round textile